Saturday, December 5, 2015

Data Virtualization Challenges in Reports Using Denodo & Tableau

Tableau 9.1.2 -> Denodo 5.5 -> Amazon Redshift‎- Issues & Errors:

1: Using ODBC as Data Source Name in Tableau Server - Connectivity Issue.

           Data sources from Denodo using DSN Published to Tableau Server

           Tried to create worksheet by using the Tableau server Data source

            Able to query on Dimension not measure columns due to aggregation not supported when    using ODBC Data sources

                Currently the design of published data sources using ODBC connections doesn't allow for aggregations.

2: Using Postgresql to connect directly to Denodo (Data Virtualization)

               Data sources published to tableau server for Denodo using Postgresql as connection info

               Tried to create worksheet by using the Tableau server Data source of Psotgresql

                All dimensions and measure columns works fine as expected 

                But String function error occurs when using this driver ( PostgreSQL- > Denodo -> Redshift‎)  

3:  Using Tableau Amazon Redshift‎ to connect directly to Redshift‎t‎ Data Source

                No issues when directly connecting to Red shift using tableau and query any column and apply filters in worksheet on tableau

OBI 12c A Quick Snap about Installatiion

Installing OBI 12c - Challenges / Issues Occurred in windows:

1: Download all required Software’s for Install ( JDK 8, Web logic 12, Oracle 12c, OBIEE12c) & Extract ll zips to one folder.

2: Install JDK 8.0 and validate the version.

3: Install Web Logic Server by using the Jar file and it will open the OU for installation.

4: Install Oracle Database 12c and make sure the components of disk2 folder are copied to the main folder components (File not found, Error twice due to components not available).

5: All the Zip folder of Disk2 of OBI has to be inside the main folder for OBI 12c Install, also the spaces will be used for extracting..

6: Kick off the Installation of the OBI 12c software.

7: Installation over and run the config.cmd to go over the configuration of BI platform and its components.

Errors came across to complete the 12 installation  ( Web logic - Java Version issue., Oracle DB :File not found due to components missing  OBI 12c Installation doesn’t happen as files are not in the same root folder).

8: Please check the Prerequisites before kicking the OBI 12c installation as it will not work even after the success of the installation and configuration.

9: Tired couple of time to access the analytics url after bouncing  all the services as well as  Rebooting the server machine still the same Error 500 the connection Refused.

Then finally figure out to access the analytic using the admin url and was able o get in and explore the 12c new features and OBI components