1: Install JAVA SDK 1.5 or higgher
2: Install Oracle Business Intelligence Platform
3: Install Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
4: Process of Copying Hibernate Libraries
Please do the following to obtain Hibernate Core 3.2.2 GA:
--> Navigate to 'www.hibernate.org' website
--> In the search field on the top right hand corner of the page, type 3.2.2
--> You will get 5 hits for the search result. Click on 'Hibernate' link on item 3
--> Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the following:
"3.01.2007 - Hibernate Core 3.2.2.GA
Hibernate Core 3.2.2.GA has just been released. See the changelog for details."
--> Click on the ' 3.2.2.GA' link
You should be able to download Hibernate Core 3.2.2 GA from here.
5: Extract All Jar files and "dtd" files from Hibernate folder and copy the Jar files to DAC\Lib folder and Coyp *.dtd files into DAC root folder.
6: DAC IS NO LONGER PART OF THE ANALYTICS PLATFORM FROM OBIEE ONWARDS DAC is now a part of the OBIEE Applications release (current release is version 7.9).
you will only get the DAC installer with the OBIEE Application installer.
7: Insatll Informatica POwercenter 7.1.4 and configure Informatica server and Respository Server
8: Create DWH Tables and Triggers from DAC to Database.
9: Try a Complete Dry Run to load all the see data from the CSV to the target tables.
Parameters used by Informatica workflows/sessions are fed to Informatica using a different architecture in 7.9.0, and
the extra configuration steps to get this new Parameterization functionality to work are not documented
In 7.9, while executing ETL, DAC
1. Reads & evaluates parameters from all static parameter files in the input directory
2. Reads & evaluates all parameters in DAC UI
3. Creates a file with evaluated name-value pairs for all parameters (in static files + DAC UI).
a. DAC creates one parameter file per informatica session. All parameter files created by DAC will be named <
4. Copies the file into a location configured under the “DAC setup>InformaticaParameterFileLocation” property. The default location for this property is <\DAC\Informatica\parameters>.
These parameter files contain all parameters - static (from files), and dynamic (from DAC UI) with properly evaluated values.
Here are the extra configuration steps
(1)Informatica Server Variable > $PMSourceFileDir must be set exactly the same as the DAC System Properties > InformaticaParamatereFileLocation as follows:
C:\oracleBI\DAC\Informatica\parameters (NB***no spaces in folder name****):
(a)Informatica Server Variable > $PMSourceFileDir
(b) DAC System Properties > InformaticaParameterFileLocation
Both Informatica and DAC must be able to access the folder specified above..
This could be important where components are distributed across several machines , also for unix user folder access
(2) Copy all files from OracleBI\dwrep\bin\Informatica\LkpFiles
eg domainValues_Emp_EventType....xls
to the location specified in $PMSourceFilesDir AND specified in DAC System Properties > InformaticaParameterFileLocation (should be identical location)
The Relational Connection settings in the Informatica Workflow Manager need to be set the same (including Case Sensitivity) as those used when configuring the 'DAC > Setup > Physical Data Sources'.
Errors Encountered during this complete Process:
1: TM_6193
2: VAR_21705
3: pmrep Connect Error
4: pmrep Connect Exception
5: comman line Stack Trace in DAC
6: Database Driver Errors
7: JDBC Error while connecting to data sources from DAC
8: Oracle OCI 8 driver not Avalible
9: Cannot find the Parameter file
10: Relation Connection Sources Error
11: FR_3000 Error opening file
12: Rep Error while restoring the Oracle_BI_DW_Base
13: Err: 1053 while starting the informatica Service
14: Team based Licensing error in the informatica repository server configuration.
15: Error opening file [/home/anapp/informatica/PowerCenter/SrcFiles/LoadXRef_Contact.txt]. Operating system error message
Links for Resolvoing the Errors:
Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide