Saturday, December 5, 2015

Data Virtualization Challenges in Reports Using Denodo & Tableau

Tableau 9.1.2 -> Denodo 5.5 -> Amazon Redshift‎- Issues & Errors:

1: Using ODBC as Data Source Name in Tableau Server - Connectivity Issue.

           Data sources from Denodo using DSN Published to Tableau Server

           Tried to create worksheet by using the Tableau server Data source

            Able to query on Dimension not measure columns due to aggregation not supported when    using ODBC Data sources

                Currently the design of published data sources using ODBC connections doesn't allow for aggregations.

2: Using Postgresql to connect directly to Denodo (Data Virtualization)

               Data sources published to tableau server for Denodo using Postgresql as connection info

               Tried to create worksheet by using the Tableau server Data source of Psotgresql

                All dimensions and measure columns works fine as expected 

                But String function error occurs when using this driver ( PostgreSQL- > Denodo -> Redshift‎)  

3:  Using Tableau Amazon Redshift‎ to connect directly to Redshift‎t‎ Data Source

                No issues when directly connecting to Red shift using tableau and query any column and apply filters in worksheet on tableau

OBI 12c A Quick Snap about Installatiion

Installing OBI 12c - Challenges / Issues Occurred in windows:

1: Download all required Software’s for Install ( JDK 8, Web logic 12, Oracle 12c, OBIEE12c) & Extract ll zips to one folder.

2: Install JDK 8.0 and validate the version.

3: Install Web Logic Server by using the Jar file and it will open the OU for installation.

4: Install Oracle Database 12c and make sure the components of disk2 folder are copied to the main folder components (File not found, Error twice due to components not available).

5: All the Zip folder of Disk2 of OBI has to be inside the main folder for OBI 12c Install, also the spaces will be used for extracting..

6: Kick off the Installation of the OBI 12c software.

7: Installation over and run the config.cmd to go over the configuration of BI platform and its components.

Errors came across to complete the 12 installation  ( Web logic - Java Version issue., Oracle DB :File not found due to components missing  OBI 12c Installation doesn’t happen as files are not in the same root folder).

8: Please check the Prerequisites before kicking the OBI 12c installation as it will not work even after the success of the installation and configuration.

9: Tired couple of time to access the analytics url after bouncing  all the services as well as  Rebooting the server machine still the same Error 500 the connection Refused.

Then finally figure out to access the analytic using the admin url and was able o get in and explore the 12c new features and OBI components

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Quick Snap of Workbook Operation

User Request  ---> Gateway  --->   Vizportal   ---> Vizql  ---> Data Engine   -> File Store  ---> Vizql - ---> Response -> User

(Data  / Extract Refresh)  ---> Background  ---> Process  - > Each Core - > 8gb Ram -- > 4

(Analytics Access / Use -> ) ----->Vizql  ---> Process  -- > Each Core - > 8gb Ram --> 4

Saturday, March 21, 2015

BI - Reporting Tools - Explore:
ODBC Errors - Application & System Issues (Analytics & Noetix)  Technical Solution, Workaround & Guidance for OBI & Noetix Team
Noetix - Insufficient Privileges - Any User - First Time Access to Shared foldersCheck the AD groups Association and clear the browser cache and
Analytics: [nQSError:
  96002] Essbase Error: Unknown Member- for the report/ page/ dashboard
Validate the correct member and change the filter as
  required in the report.
  46118] Out of disk space.
Database is down or the OBI Server tmp file size has
  reached its limit
  96002] Essbase: Query is allocating too large memory ( > 4GB)
Put default values to Prompt  to restrict the
  Record set for the MDX sent to obi
  17012] Bulk fetch failed. -Oracle Error code: 1013
Oracle Error - Get the Physical SQL execute in Toad to
  get the Error and fix it
  14050] Internal Error: could not find level detailed enough for GROUP BY
Its OBI Presentation Error tweak the Aggregation Rule
  and column formula
  14025] No fact table exists at the requested level of detail: 
Fix the Consistency warning in the RPD and deploy
Analytics:[nQSError: 14046] No physical join relationships exist between any of the following tables:Fix the Consistency warning in the RPD and deploy
  14070] Cannot find logical table source coverage for logical columns:
The logical column mapping for the column is missing in
  the business layer
  15018] Incorrectly defined logical table source 
Check the Business model and apply the fix for warning
  as required - Data model
  16001] ODBC error [DataDirect][ODBC PostgreSQL Wire Protocol driver]Socket
Destination Server was down - check the server , port
   of the PostgreSQL
Analytics:[nQSError: 17010]- ORA-01031: insufficient privileges, invalid identifier,  Bulk fetch failed.Check the DB object for the column being present in the
  17014] Could not connect to Oracle database.
Database Down , Tns Error, basic connectivity issue
  23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION. has no value definition.
Check the default Value and also the underlying SQL in
  the IB
  96002] Essbase Error: Request [MdxReport] terminated since it exceeded the
  time limit
Its configuration set at the essbase admin to kill the
  long running sessions
  46118] Out of disk space.
Check the Memory configuration @ Essbase & Obi
  Server Level to overcome
Analytics: [nQSError:
  46017] Sort has no work space in the work directory.
The Tmp directory set in the obi configuration has
  reached its limits - privilege
  46066] Operation cancelled.
Close Cursor, cancel running request  by
  60009] The user request exceeded the maximum query governing execution time.
Long running MDX, SQL's send to the Data source being
  killed by server
  46073] Operation ''write() tmp dir No such file or directory.
Check the Write privilege to the tmp dir setting in the
  OBI - NQSconfig
  17014] ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier 
Check the basic setting of connection to Oracle DB
  17010] message: ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype at OCI
check the data type & Size of the column in
  physical layer of RPD and change
  59107] Set operation failed due to incompatible sort order.
validate the union reports and apply the correct sor
  order for the column
  42015] Cannot function ship the following expression: 
Tweak the column formula, apply the aggregation rule,
  get the MDX, Physical SQL
  96002] Essbase Error: Invalid login id - please login again
Check the Essbase server connectivity Details

  96002] Essbase Error: Network errorA descendent member of the expected level
  is returned. 
Check the Essbase hierarchy for the members being
  displayed in the report
  96002] Essbase Error: Network error: Timed out before receiving all data
Essbase Connectivity Issue - Check server, port,
  application, cube
  96002] Essbase Error: Application

currently not accepting connections
Either the cube refresh / switch is in progress and obi
  96002] please check if you tried to connect to secure port
Server Config and Validation of the setting based on
  the data source connect
  59011] OverFlow occurred during the execution of AddFloat. 
Tweak the column formula , try conversion, check the
  SQL in Oracle
  96002] Essbase Error: Not enough memory for formula Set MAXFORMULACACHESIZE
Essbase.cfg- Tweak the setting in the Essbase Server
  17010] ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
Validate or recreate the synonym as required for the
  object used in the report
  46104] The current operation was about to overflow the stack. 
Get the Physical SQL , make it wok in Toad , and
  translate the fix on obi
  17010] ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB
Convert the  data type in column formula
   apply the size and then try
  22023] An arithmetic operation is being carried out on a non-numeric type.
Validate the column formula and apply the data type
  conversion operations
  22025] Function TimestampAdd is called with an incompatible type.
Validate the column formula and apply the data type
  conversion operations
  23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.SRR_QTR, has no value definition.
Check the SQL, default Value in the IB in the RPD of
  96002] Essbase Error: Administrator Has Temporarily Disabled User Commands
Essbase, server, application, cube is down or
   under maintenance